Can I interest you in some time saving tips that will help you when you’re writing your blog posts, promoting your content or searching out for some guest posting opportunities? Here are 5 tips that I find helpful related to the

Here are 5 tips that I find helpful related to the Google Advanced Search options.  If you take one tip and use it going forward the post will have been worthwhile.

1.  Building Your Network with Other Bloggers

When you write an article about a particular topic it can be useful to network with bloggers that are writing about similar topics. You can type in the topic you are writing about and find results in Google but it will take you time to find relevant blogs and bloggers.

Google provides you with some advanced search operators and terms you can use to filter out information that will help save you a lot of time.

For example, if I am writing a blog about tools for managing twitter.  I could run the following  advanced search in Google: inurl:”blog” “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “managing twitter”

 The commands used are explained below:

  • inurl: blog – Only return web addresses that have the word blog in them so it’s likely to find blog posts.
  • “post a comment” – I’d like the words ‘post a comment’ on the page so I know it accepts comments.
  • “comments closed” – I don’t want the words comments closed on the page so I know the comments are still open.
  • -“you must be logged in” – I don’t want to have be logged in to enter the comment.
  • “managing twitter” – I want the words managing twitter to appear within the content.

Note:  There is a minus sign in front of ‘you must be logged in’ and “comments closed” to indicate you don’t want these terms.

2. Building Your Brand Through Guest Posting

If you want to find guest posting opportunities within your niche you can use Google commands.  For example, if I was looking for guest post opportunities for finance blogs, I could research using the following:

Finance inurl:guest-post

This returned the following:

Google Advanced Search
Using Advanced Search in Google to find guest posting opportunities


finance inurl:write-for-us

finance + “guest post”



3. Google Advanced Search Helps You Finding Supporting Material for Your Blog Posts

Sometimes you want a lot of detail related to the article you are writing or you may want to find presentations, excel spreadsheets or other types of documents.

Google provides you the facility to search by file type.

So, if you were writing an article on Facebook metrics you could type in the following command into Google.

“Facebook metrics”  filetype: pdf

When I did this search the second item in the list had a detailed guide on Facebook metrics.


Google Search File Type
Using ‘File type’ as part of Google Search Options

This command could also be used for other file types such as doc, ppt etc.


4. Finding Ideas for Posts

If you’re really stuck for an idea for a post you could use posts already written for some inspiration.

If you want to do a list post and it’s about sports you could do a search for ‘7 ways’ and see what posts have this in their page title.

Sports inurl:”7 ways”

This returns the following:


inurl operator
Using ‘inurl’ as part of Google search

5.  Use Google Instant for Keyword Research

In a previous video post we covered how to you use Google Keyword Tool for keyword research for your blogs posts.  It’s useful to target relevant keywords to optimize for traffic.

Another helpful way of doing keyword research using Google instant.  As you type in keywords into Google a drop down is displayed.

google instant search
Using Google Instant to research keywords for blog posts

So Google gives you a list of similar popular searches.  For example in this list I see that ‘Google advanced search operators’ is searched quite a lot so I could consider using this within the title of the blog post.

These are just some of the ways to used Google Advanced search.  Have you any ideas you would like to share?  We would love to hear your comments.

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