Save 30mins a Day with Edgar

Social Media is so time consuming.

You share out wonderful content, most people don’t see it and then you have to find or create more content.

Feeding the beast with great content is hard. Unless you have good tools to help feed the beast.

Well, maybe you haven’t met Edgar yet….

What is Edgar?

Edgar is a tool for smartly scheduling content to be shared on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.  You create queues of content, set a schedule and then let Edgar take over.

Edgar will keep sending out content from your queues, at the times you have specified.

When Edgar gets through the content in queue it starts resending content in the queues.  This makes sense (depending on the channel, times set up etc) because most people don’t get to see the great content on Twitter, Facebook etc.

[tweet_dis]On average fewer than 10% of your fans see any update you send on Facebook. And fewer than 10% of your Twitter followers see your tweets.[/tweet_dis]

It makes perfect sense to share your own great content, and to share updates from people you follow, multiple times.  I’m writing this post at 7am in Ireland.  If I tweet an update related to my blog post, my US friends will be bed.  If I tweet it in a few hours, some of them will be up and some of them will be in meetings.  If I tweet later tonight, some more of them will be online.


Edgar Content Schedule Setup

Edgar is quite easy to set up.

First of all, you specify the categories of content you are likely to want.  There is a default set of categories you can use to get started:

Edgar Content Categories
There is a default set of categories but you can add more or change the ones that are listed


Think of the categories as buckets where you put specific types of content.  You keep topping up the bucket with new content and take out content that’s no longer valid.

After you have created your categories, you need to connect up your social profiles.

Edgar supports Facebook (Profiles, Pages and Groups), Linkedin (personal and company) and Twitter accounts.

When you connect accounts, you can select a schedule to be associated with each account.  Here is the default schedule, but you can change this to whatever you want:


Edgar example schedule
This is the default schedule set up


This is really useful because you will want to send updates more frequently on one channel than another.  For example, on Twitter, you will have a more aggressive posting schedule than on a Facebook Page.


Posting Content from Edgar

When you want to post content from Edgar, you select a category for the content, you choose the accounts you want to share the content to, and then you enter the details.

You can also connect your Edgar account to your account so that your web addresses will be automatically tracked and shortened.


Edgar Create a Post
For every post, you select which social networks you want it to be shared to


Your content is added to a queue and continuously shared out.  When Edgar gets to the end of a queue for a category, it starts back at the top of the queue with the newest content and sends that out.

Here’s an example of the library showing updates that will be shared out by category.


Edgar Library
Content is added to the Library for sharing


When you create your buckets and content, you can add content on a regular basis but you should also look to see if there is any content you might want to remove.  You don’t keep sharing the same content forever but, with some content, you can share it for weeks or months.

What could be improved about Edgar?

Analytics is currently weak within Edgar but I know this is an area they are working on.  When you add content to a queue, you want to see how it performs over time.  As people stop clicking and sharing your content, then it may be time to take it out of the bucket.  If it performs really well, you may want to keep it in the bucket!

It would be great if Edgar discovered great content to share.  As they grow their user base, they will be able to identify very popular content and this could be presented to share.


Edgar is a very useful scheduling tool.  It is simple to set up and it can save you a lot of time whilst also helping to improve performance.

Have you tried it out?

What is your process for content scheduling? I’d love to hear from you.


Alarm clock in sunlit spring field by Shutterstock


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