Webinar Marketing - How to Generate 1,000 Subscribers to your WebinarWebinars can be a powerful way of building sales for your products and services.

But webinar marketing require a lot of planning.

There are a lot of tactics to achieving the conversions you want on the call (if you are selling!) and there’s a lot of follow-up work.

If someone is going to set aside around one hour of their time to listen to your webinar, it shows there is potential interest in your product and service.

So, when you do run webinars, you want to make sure you promote them sufficiently to get a lot of subscribers.


….you want as many of those subscribers to turn up on the call as possible.


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We have used the following tactics to help get more registrations. If you follow them, they will work for you, too!

1. Set up a Facebook pixel on your website

One great way of getting registrations is to retarget previous website visitors with Facebook ads.

But, to do this, you’ll need to add a piece of code from Facebook to every page on your website.

This ‘pixel code’ is available in your Facebook Ads Manager.

Facebook Pixel
Adding your pixel


As soon as you add this code, Facebook will start tracking your visitors, so start this now because you’ll need to be able to access this audience when you launch the webinar promotion.

When you have the code set up, you should also set up Facebook ad conversion tracking so you know how much it costs you to get a webinar subscriber from an ad.

2. Create your custom URL’s to share

One thing that is extremely important is to understand what worked (or didn’t work) for previous webinars.

For example, was it your Facebook post that got subscribers or was it your Facebook ad? Did your tweets generate the bulk of your subscribers or was it your email list?

If you know this type of information, it will help you to build more subscribers for your webinar as you can focus on the activities that work.

To set this up you’ll need to understand Google URL builder. Using this you can tag the URL of the webinar with different parameters depending on where you are sharing the web address.

This means that in Google analytics you will be able to see where visitors to your webinar page are coming from.

Google Analytics Traffic Sources
Campaign section of Google Analytics

Change your banner images on social media

When someone becomes a follower on social media, they will typically see your banner image.   Change your banner image to promote your webinar.

webinar marketing
Twitter banner image

Also, pin a tweet to the top of your feed for Facebook and Twitter so that more people will get to see this tweet.

Twitter Pinned Promotion
Pinned tweet


When you track where you got your subscribers, you will see that this gets some subscribers but not a lot. But, people need to see details of your webinar in multiple places and this convinces them to sign up.

That is why it’s very important to set this up.

To create the images, use a tool such as Canva. It’s not always the best designed images that get the best conversions. You can easily create images yourself and, when you’ve created them once, you can tailor them for your next webinar and use them in your webinar marketing campaign.

3. Create a value driven blog post on the topic

You don’t want to publish a blog post about the webinar.

You want to create a blog post that entices people to sign up to the webinar by providing really valuable information related to the content of the webinar.

When you do provide that valuable information, you can include an optin within your blog post that entices people to take the next step and sign up for the webinar.

4. Create an exit intent popup

When someone is about to leave your website, you can display a popup that encourages them to join your webinar.

These popups really attract people’s attention and the key thing is to make sure they are not displayed when website visitors are browsing your website. They should only be displayed when someone exits.

Optinmonster is a really good tool for creating these exit intent popups.

5. Create a sidebar optin on your site

Kissmetrics displays an optin to the left of their content to promote their webinar.

Sidebar optins like this are visible to site visitors when they read your content and will entice them to want to know more.

Kissmetrics Optin
Side bar optin


6. Change your email subscriber thank you message

When someone is subscribing to your email list, you could temporarily change the thank-you message they receive so it asks them if they want to join your webinar.

They’ve already expressed an interest in what you do by signing up, so it’s an obvious next step.

Here’s an example of what LeadPages shows you after you opt into their email list:

Thank you webinar optin
Thank you message


7. Optimize your landing page for webinar optins

If you don’t have a high-converting landing page for webinar registrations, you won’t get a good conversion rate.

When we start a webinar promotion, we create two completely different landing pages and send 500 people from our email list to each page.   We track the conversions and, if one is converting a lot higher than the other, we use this as our main landing page.


In the examples below the second landing page converted 25% higher than the first landing page.

A/B Testing
Landing page A

We expected that this page would convert at a much higher. We were sending a ‘warm audience’ (people that know us to both landing pages).


Landing page B
Landing page b



We were wrong. The more detailed landing page converted at 25% more than the short landing page.

Note: The reason there are a lot more conversions displayed on the first page below is because we disabled the second page as it wasn’t performing well enough.

Landing Page Conversion Rate
Landing page conversion rates

8. Create a good email promotion series

Your email list is one of the best ways for webinar marketing. You can get a lot of webinar subscribers but sending details of a webinar in an email just once is not enough.

You need to come up with an email sequence that gives people multiple opportunities to join but doesn’t annoy them with too many promotions.

For example, we typically promote our webinars over an 8- to 10-day period. It is because when you promote over a shorter period, you typically get a higher number of people showing up for a webinar.

This is our typical sequence:

  • Monday, Week 1 – This is a dedicated email that talks about the webinar and how valuable it is.
  • Wednesday, Week 1 – This is our weekly newsletter where we will include details of the webinar.
  • Monday, Week 2 – A value-driven email that is focused on providing valuable tips related to the content with a compelling call to action to learn more about the webinar.
  • Wednesday, Week 2 – Our weekly newsletter with a promotion for the webinar.
  • Thursday, Week 2 – A final reminder email that the webinar is on that day. This is sent to everyone on our email list except those who registered. They get a separate reminder email.

9. Run your webinar at multiple times

At times, people will not register for your webinar because they cannot attend at that specific time. If you don’t run webinars very frequently, you could consider running the same webinar multiple times on the same day.

More people will register if you give them different times to choose from.

10. Find people with relevant email lists

When we want to run promotions in our webinar marketing activities, we quite often think of running ads. If you run an ad on Google, Facebook or other platforms, they are generally expensive because these platforms know the value they can bring.

But there are plenty of people with relevant subscribers on their email list who are looking for ways to monetize that list.

Getting them to send a dedicated email to their email list could be very valuable. At the same time the cost may not be as high as paying for ads.

Also, you may have friends who can promote a webinar to their list for you. In return you can promote their webinars in the future.

11. Invite an influencer in your industry as a guest on the webinar

The star of a movie is what really attracts you to that film.

Why don’t you have a star in your webinar?

Invite a key influencer in your industry who has a big audience that is relevant to what you want to promote. They don’t have to be on the webinar for the full hour. It could be just a guest appearance for a few minutes, but people like to see key influencers on your webinar!

Here’s an example of a recent webinar run by three companies – Moz, Outbrain and Kissmetrics.

They invited two industry experts with a large audience to their webinar. This certainly helped increase registrations.

Inviting influential leaders in your industry can help

12. Brush up on your copywriting skills

When you create the landing page for your webinar, are you thinking about the needs of the people you are trying to attract?

What are their pain points in relation to the topic you are covering?

What will they get when they attend the webinar? Is it actionable content, a guide they can walk away with?

What you promise and how you describe what you’re promising will have a strong impact on the number of subscribers you get.

13. Marketing your webinar using Social Media

Social media is a great way for you to promote your webinar.

Make sure to regularly schedule posts to your audience with details of the webinar.

a) Schedule sharing to your channels: You don’t have to share the same message all the time. If you use Canva to create promotional images for your webinar, create a batch of different images that promote different aspects of the webinar.

b) Ask your friends/employees/business colleagues/email subscribers to share details of the webinar. If you make it easy for people to share, they will do this for you. This exposes you to a new audience.

14. Tools for Webinars

Here’s a collection of webinar service providers/tools to use with webinars:

  • Gotowebinar – Very reliable webinar software
  • WebinarJam – A good competitor to Gotowebinar.
  • Leadpages/Ontrapages – 2 tools for creating the landing pages


To get at least 1,000 subscribers to your webinar, you need to build a process. Once you follow this process and measure results, you can implement improvements.

Getting over 1,000 subscribers is totally possible! Are there other tactics for webinar marketing you would share?


Image courtesy of Shutterstock.

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