Get twitter followers for free Are you struggling to grow your follower count on Twitter? Do you want to know how to get more followers?

Getting more Twitter followers is actually very easy because a lot of people will automatically follow you back when you follow them. If you know who those people are, there are potentially millions of people you can connect with.

However, you don’t want just any Twitter followers, you want relevant ones who will help you grow your business.

So here are 7 tips and tools on how to get Twitter followers for free.

1. Follow people who share your blog content

If someone finds some content you’ve written and shares it out on Twitter, they are a prime candidate for being a new Twitter follower.

So, when you release a new blog post and people start sharing later on in the day, check who has shared it and follow them.  As they have read your content that day and thought it was good enough to share, the likelihood of them them following you back is high.

So how do you know who has shared your content?

There are various ways to keep track of this.  I normally set up a monitoring tool such as Brand24 and configure it to track mentions of the blog post on Twitter.

For example, I recently created a blog post, called, ‘How to get your blog post shared 1,000 times’.  For keyword monitoring, I entered ‘shared 1,000 times’, as people may not use all the words of a blog post.  I then ran a filter based on Twitter only, and followed the people who found it interesting enough to share.


Brand24 Keyword setup
These are the keywords that I’m focussing on


An alternative way is to go to and search for these keywords directly on Twitter.

2.  Tweet using relevant hashtags

A lot of the hashtags that people use are a complete waste of time.  However, at times it’s very useful to include relevant hashtags in your tweets and this can lead to more followers.

For example, if you attend a conference there is generally a hashtag for the event.  If you share useful information regularly during the conference, you will get more followers from other people who are attending.

Even if you don’t attend the conference, you could track the hashtag at home and start having conversations with relevant people at the conference.  This is another way of growing your following.

3.  Join in on Tweetchats

Tweetchats are Twitter conversations on a particular topic at a specific time/date.  For example, Blogchat is a Twitter chat on Sunday evenings; anyone can join in and meet a lot of people interested in blogging.

Tweetchats are a fantastic way of building followers because, when you engage with other like-minded people during the conversation, a lot of them will want to stay in contact with you so will follow you.

During the Twitter chat, make sure you ask questions, respond to people, and share your thoughts on the conversation.  The more active you are, the better.

A good tool for engaging with tweet chats is!  Twitterchats can be fast and furious, so provides some functionality to help you manage them, e.g. pausing the Twitter stream when you want to catch up.

4.  Follow relevant people

If you do some work and identify the correct people to follow, you’ll get followers back.  On a daily basis I check to see my new followers.  If they are relevant to the business I’m in then I’ll follow them back.  If they are not, then I ignore them.

Most people check their new followers on a regular basis and follow people back.  If you see someone with 1,000 followers and they only follow 20 people then you know they are very selective about who they follow.  But if they have 1,000 followers and follow 900 people, this means they probably follow most people back, as long as they are relevant.

SocialBro is a very useful tool for finding the right type of people to follow, and they have some great filters you can apply to find the right people.

In the following example we have applied the following filters:

Keywords in bio: Social Media

Influence: a minimum of 500.  This is based on a ‘Kred’ score which is an influence assessment tool that rates people out of 1,000.  The higher the score, the more influence they are judged to have.

Followers:  They have to have a minimum of 500 followers.

Following:  At least 400 followers.  They may not follow all their followers but you want to make sure they follow a lot of them.  We’ve also put a restriction on max number of people they are following because we want people that might actually engage with us.  If they follow 1,000,000 people then we won’t be noticed.


There is a good selection of filters available


5.  Tweet great content regularly

To build up Twitter followers, you need to be consistent and tweet regularly.  If you perform any of the actions above but never actually tweet, you’re not going to get very far!

The best strategy for tweeting regularly is the following:

a) Build up a queue of tweets – Use tools such as Buffer, Hootlet or Sprout Social’s Chrome plugin to queue tweets to be sent out.  When you are reading content and find something great to share, there is no point in sending everything out all at the same time.  Specify the times that get the most engagement from your followers and add them to Buffer, or an equivalent tool.  You need to have a regular stream of tweets.

b) Monitor keywords – We mentioned earlier how we monitor keywords related to our blog posts.  But you could also monitor keywords related to your industry and look for opportunities to engage with people.  After you engage with someone, follow them and a high percentage of these people will follow you back.

c) Start conversations – Ask for help from your audience.  People love helping on Twitter.

6.  Share other people’s content

If you start promoting and sharing other people’s content, they generally notice this and a lot of the time they will follow back.

Make sure you mention their name in the tweet to improve the chances of them noticing.  For example:

‘Really interesting post -> Why “Unlimited” is Attractive via

7.  Embed Tweets within your blog content

Donna, at Socially Sorted, recently shared a tip about embedding a Facebook status update.  But you can also embed tweets within your website and, within the Tweet, you can give people an option to follow you. Here is an example.  Make sure to click the ‘follow’ button to test it out!



The size of your Twitter following is not as important as the quality of your Twitter followers and the amount of engagement you get.  However, if you strategically build your following, deliver great content and engage with your followers, then having a bigger audience is useful.

Let me know what you think of the above and, if you’ve got any more tips how to get Twitter followers, please share them!


Juicy image by Shutterstock

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