MentionMention is a web and social media monitoring tool. Monitoring what people say about you or your business online is crucial.

It helps build relationships, generate leads and protect your reputation.  Using a Social Media Monitoring Tool is really an essential tool that should be part of your social media toolbox.



In this article, we outline how to use ‘Mention App’ to monitor the web and social media.  It is a very comprehensive and effective tool that is well worth exploring.

My personal experience with mention is very positive.  I have connected with so many people because mention notified me that they mentioned my name or company name and I wouldn’t have found it without using Mention.  So the following information is well worth reading!

Note:  If you want a free trial of Mention you can start it here –>  free trial of Mention

About Mention App

Mention is a social media tool that monitors the web, including the major social media channels, to keep you informed every time somebody mentions your name, brand or target keywords, and its user-friendly interface makes it very easy to use.

When Mention spots that somebody talks about you or your brand you can instantly see this through one of their apps (Web, Desktop, iPhone or Android).  Alternatively, you can get daily summary alerts which shows you the mentions for a particular day.

It is so important to track what people say about you or your business online.  Imagine if someone complains about your business and nobody responds to this.  You could instantly respond and turnaround this issue before it escalates.  Or, for example, you track your competitors’ name.  This could be a great opportunity to get more business (yes please!).

Mention has a cost-free plan where you can track up to 500 ‘mentions’ per month for your personal or brand name with up to 3 search terms.  The solo plan starts at $29 per month which is very reasonable considering how comprehensive the app is.  The solo plan tracks up to 3,000 mentions per month and you can set up an 2 basic alerts.

Mention monitoring

Key Features of Mention

Here are some key features we want to highlight that will be beneficial to your business:

  • Set up the alerts for your business name, keywords or competitors and get these alerts sent via e-mail or view directly within the application.
  • Track mentions across a wide variety of online sites – Facebook, Blogs, Twitter, Forums etc.
  • Expand details of ‘mentions’.  For example, if you are in the Mention app and see that your name was mentioned on a website you can click on this and view the website directly within mention app.  If you find a tweet you can view the bio of the person that sent the tweet before deciding to respond.
  • If you find that you get alerts from sites that are not relevant and you consistently delete these alerts mention app tracks this and will stop showing you alerts from this site.
  • Alerts that are deemed priority are highlighted.  They are a priority if your name is mentioned or it’s from a site with a lot of traffic.

Mention priority alerts


  • If you have other team members you can share out alerts to them and also assign tasks to deal with the alert.
  • You can perform certain actions on your alert, for example, share out details on Twitter, Facebook or just send an e-mail.
  • Mention tracks many different sites across the web and allows you to filter on different sources.  For example, if you were interested in Facebook only you could filter based on this.

Mention is available on Iphone or Android app so you can monitor activity when you are out and about.   When you have a spare couple of minutes waiting on a meeting you can take out your phone and respond to mentions, assign tasks to team members etc.

Iphone all for Mention
Mention iPhone app


How to set up Mention

When you want to register you can enter in your basic details or use one of your social media accounts for your credentials.


Mention App Sign up
You can enter your basic details or use existing social media accounts when registering


After registering, you are instantly able to create your first alert.

Enter the name of the brand you want to monitor alerts for:

mention step 1


It will then ask you to enter in competitors (if it’s a brand name).  It automatically retrieves some suggestions:

mention set up 2

Your alert is now ready and monitoring begins.

mention monitoring


Alternatives to Mention

A free alternative to mention is using Google Alerts.  This is useful but the alerts are not as comprehensive and the functionality provided with Google alerts is very basic.

There are many other monitoring apps available.  What we like about Mention is that it is priced very well considering the functionality that is provided.  Typically you pay the big bucks for apps such as Mention.


At a minimum, you should be monitoring your brand name online.  Mention is a cost-effective and comprehensive tool that you should consider.

What do you monitor online?  What tools do you use?  What is effective for you?

Note:  If you want a free trial of Mention you can start it here –>  free trial of Mention

We’d love to hear your feedback!


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